Donate to VEN


Although we are Not-for-profit unfortunately donations are not tax deductible. Australian charity laws make it illegal for charities to voice a political opinion - however non-partisan! We value our independence.

It is expensive to produce, maintain and advertise in social and traditional media but crucial to our campaign when we are fighting for attention with big business.

Every donation helps from the smallest to the largest. The sooner the better!

*please note if you wish your donation to remain anonymous

Our Sponsors

Silver sponsors

Hunter ENT Hearing
Matilda Healthcare
Ebb and Flow Yoga

Bronze Sponsors

Robert and Janelle Cann

MedEl Australia

Dr Elizabeth Freihaut

Dr Eileen Tan-Gore

Dr Bill Johnston

A/Prof Christopher Perry

Dr Todd Eggleton

A/Prof Nirmal Patel

Dr Elizabeth Holt

Dr Myvanwy McIlveen

Dr Melissa Bochner

Climate Warriors

Dr Nick Roberts

Greg Joffe and family

Dr B Epstein and L Junker

Dr Jason Hollard

Dr Marc A Russo

A/Prof Grant Blashki

Prof Michael Breakspear

Dr Richard Ferch

Dr Justin Bowra

David Eisenberg

Richard Ramsay

Amber Moncrieff

Dr Catriona Ireland

Dr Jo Walsh

Debbie Kertesz

Dina Bloom

Dr Shaun McGrath

Rennie Ferguson

Dr Stuart Slater

Dr Rajendra Kumar

Erica Epstein

Dr John McGuinness

Lisa Curnow

Peter Kuestler

Dr Simon Leslie

Stuart Cohen

Dr Pragya Ajitsaria

Dr Jieun Lee

Robert Shirley Silverton

Emma Joel

Debbie Ditchfield

Prof Paul Walker

Michael Teh

Peter Kawecki

Dr John McGuinness

Dr Michael Hicks

Michael Dunn

Linda Robinson

Jeffrey Richardson

Climate Heroes

Tim Ward

Jane Hunt

Richard Lewis

Carmel Ramsey

Mitchell Petzke

Marlene Brueton

Helene Cadry

Andrew Stirling

Tina Wilkie-Miskin

Adam Lance

Edwina Guinness

Damien Loizou

Brad O'Gorman

Helen Diack

Gayle Davies

Alexander Davis

Damien Loizou

Erica Steiner

Lainie Cann

Dr Dan Phung

Wyan Sari

Matt Carroll

Trish Hay

Salie Greengarten

Dr Jon Li

Shayne Robson

Carolyn Rosenberg

Dr Aydin Mohammadi

Iain Montgomery

Margaret Lothian

Gary Tombs

Peter Hansford

Dr Craig Mooney

Dr Len Conrad

Dr Jason Hollard

Dr Sejad Ahmadzada

Grant Merrington

Leigh Rumble

Prof Josh Davis

Dr Simon Morgan

Joel Tuccia

Naomi Freuden

Sarah Harden

Megan Corlette

Norman Ratcliff

Janette Mcgregor

Brian Gordon

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