Donate to VEN
Although we are Not-for-profit unfortunately donations are not tax deductible. Australian charity laws make it illegal for charities to voice a political opinion - however non-partisan! We value our independence.
It is expensive to produce, maintain and advertise in social and traditional media but crucial to our campaign when we are fighting for attention with big business.
Every donation helps from the smallest to the largest. The sooner the better!
*please note if you wish your donation to remain anonymous
Our Sponsors
Silver sponsors
Hunter ENT Hearing
Matilda Healthcare
Ebb and Flow Yoga
Bronze Sponsors
Robert and Janelle Cann
MedEl Australia
Dr Elizabeth Freihaut
Dr Eileen Tan-Gore
Dr Bill Johnston
A/Prof Christopher Perry
Dr Todd Eggleton
A/Prof Nirmal Patel
Dr Elizabeth Holt
Dr Myvanwy McIlveen
Dr Melissa Bochner
Climate Warriors
Dr Nick Roberts
Greg Joffe and family
Dr B Epstein and L Junker
Dr Jason Hollard
Dr Marc A Russo
A/Prof Grant Blashki
Prof Michael Breakspear
Dr Richard Ferch
Dr Justin Bowra
David Eisenberg
Richard Ramsay
Amber Moncrieff
Dr Catriona Ireland
Dr Jo Walsh
Debbie Kertesz
Dina Bloom
Dr Shaun McGrath
Rennie Ferguson
Dr Stuart Slater
Dr Rajendra Kumar
Erica Epstein
Dr John McGuinness
Lisa Curnow
Peter Kuestler
Dr Simon Leslie
Stuart Cohen
Dr Pragya Ajitsaria
Dr Jieun Lee
Robert Shirley Silverton
Emma Joel
Debbie Ditchfield
Prof Paul Walker
Michael Teh
Peter Kawecki
Dr John McGuinness
Dr Michael Hicks
Michael Dunn
Linda Robinson
Jeffrey Richardson
Climate Heroes
Tim Ward
Jane Hunt
Richard Lewis
Carmel Ramsey
Mitchell Petzke
Marlene Brueton
Helene Cadry
Andrew Stirling
Tina Wilkie-Miskin
Adam Lance
Edwina Guinness
Damien Loizou
Brad O'Gorman
Helen Diack
Gayle Davies
Alexander Davis
Damien Loizou
Erica Steiner
Lainie Cann
Dr Dan Phung
Wyan Sari
Matt Carroll
Trish Hay
Salie Greengarten
Dr Jon Li
Shayne Robson
Carolyn Rosenberg
Dr Aydin Mohammadi
Iain Montgomery
Margaret Lothian
Gary Tombs
Peter Hansford
Dr Craig Mooney
Dr Len Conrad
Dr Jason Hollard
Dr Sejad Ahmadzada
Grant Merrington
Leigh Rumble
Prof Josh Davis
Dr Simon Morgan
Joel Tuccia
Naomi Freuden
Sarah Harden
Megan Corlette
Norman Ratcliff
Janette Mcgregor
Brian Gordon
“We MUST respect this earth - it is all we have
Claudio Dametto - South Australia
“I will always Vote to Preserve Our World.
Liam McGregor - Western Australia
“A simple message that even a politician can understand
Felicity Crombach - Victoria
“Please show you care about our future generations!!
Phil Harmer - New South Wales
“Save our world , Life & health before profits.
Kerry Lillian - New South Wales
“Close down all coal mines and Do not mine gas . Make these Companies
Daniel Johnson - New South Wales
“We want carbon free energy!
Edan Clarke - New South Wales
“Feels good to be taking a voter action step
Beaver Hudson - New South Wales
“Great Initiative. Let’s Hold elected officials Accountable to their bosses, us!
John Paul Posada - New South Wales
“We need actions not words we need honest democratic govt We need a pm
Bob Pearce - South Australia
“Thank you for this great resource. I was feeling helpless. Even this small step
Silvia Anderson - Victoria
“If political parties continue receiving political donations, we will rarely have politicians working for
Dan Chicos - New South Wales
“I only vote for people who will take urgent action to restore a safe
Susie Burke - Victoria
“Current government is not representing the opinion of the majority of Australian to meet
Neil Price - Tasmania
“We are fighting to rescue our kids' future from those who seek to steal
Vanessa Norimi - Queensland
“No time to waste Now or Never My vote is for NOW
Rosalie White - Victoria
“I am only 9 but I already care
Ava Bell - New South Wales
“From New Lambton Uniting Church - Caring for our world is a moral imperative.
Niall McKay - New South Wales
“Our federal govt is an International climate Embarrassment - its about time they stepped
Oriana Tolo - Victoria
“Vote earth this time!
Sue Cooke - Queensland
“We are in one on the wealthiest countries in the world. we have the
rowan huxtable - New South Wales
“The climate Emergency is the public health opportunity and urgent priority of the 21st
Mike Forrester - Victoria
“If they want my vote they better act now
Barbara McNiff - New South Wales
“We need to act locally now for the earth. Our only home. Vote Earth
Anne Miller - New South Wales
“I often look at the places I've known all my life and see how
Jim Baird - New South Wales
“Strike one For people power!!! Democracy might prevail outside the current cronyism that faces
Lorraine Bridger - New South Wales
“Our federal politicians Are Afraid to make action on climate change a major election
Jennifer Martin - New South Wales
“climate election, let's go!
Fahimah Badrulhisham - New South Wales
“Great to see this website that is a focus on action for climate change
Lynette Sinclair - New South Wales
“Let’s show politicians and the Murdoch media that climate change is by far the
Jane Aitken - Australian Capital Territory
“If you want to stay in power You need to take action to stop
Jane Bulter - New South Wales
“We are all that stands between terminal climate change and the vulnerable. We are
Carol Khan - Queensland
“We need a Government that Believes this is real and not taking money from
Ken Gray - New South Wales
“I'm voting for my childrens future
Anneliese Alexander - New South Wales