Voters may deal Green parties a blow that costs them up to one-third of their seats, if polls before this week’s European elections prove correct, in a shift that could lead to a rollback of climate policies with the effects rippling far beyond the continent. At first glance, the projected slump in support – which follows months of protests from farmers against environmental rules – reads like a backlash against climate policies set by politicians who tried to move too far, too fast. But political scientists are unconvinced by that narrative. There is little data to support fears of a societal “greenlash” from voters unhappy with the costs of the transition, according to the authors of a recent survey of 15,000 voters in France, Germany and Poland. While local evidence from the Netherlands shows how a specific climate policy can push people away from the Greens and towards the far right, on a broader level researchers have found support for climate policies falls mostly along ideological lines. So what explains the poor polling numbers? |
The most straightforward explanation is that the last European elections in 2019 may have been an outlier in terms of climate engagement – one that served Green parties particularly well. Coming off the back of widespread student protests inspired by Greta Thunberg, which boosted parties promising strong climate action, and accompanied by a global flurry of pledges to cut pollution, the elections took place when the climate crisis was riding high on the political agenda.
“Voters have other priorities in 2024,” said António Valentim, a political scientist at Yale University who studies voting behaviour around climate. “Europeans today are more concerned about other issues,” he added, pointing to inflation and the war in Ukraine. “These are likely to be the kind of things that will be in a lot of people’s minds when deciding whom to vote for.”
Some research hints that the environment may be a “luxury goods issue”
Some research hints that the environment may be a “luxury goods issue” – one that has a bigger influence on voting decisions in times of plenty. A study in 2017 found voters punish governing parties they associate with environmental policies more severely when they perceive the economy as “weak”, but reward them for a green reputation when it booms.
Recent studies suggest Green parties’ success is closely tied to economic conditions, says Jessica Haak, a political scientist at the University of Hamburg. “Taken together, economic concerns overshadowing environmental issues might be a contributing factor to a potential decline in Green party votes.”
Germany, where the Greens are in government and also run the climate and economy ministry, is where the biggest losses are likely. Polls suggest sizeable losses will also hit the Greens in France and Italy, with smaller dips in Nordic countries. There will also be new parties that have joined the Green grouping in the European parliament since the last elections in 2019, such as Croatia and Lithuania.
“many other parties have incorporated much more ambitious climate and environmental targets in their platforms”
High polling numbers for radical rightwing parties could even help swing centrist voters toward the Greens. In their campaigns, their politicians have pushed the message that a vote for the Greens will protect Europe not just from extreme weather, but also from the far right.
“We are going to need a strong Green group to keep Europe a stronghold of freedom and climate action,” said Bas Eickhout (pictured above), a Dutch MEP and the Green party’s joint lead candidate for the European elections. “In 2019, the polls didn’t predict our record-breaking success, but we went from 52 to 74 seats in the European parliament. We have good hopes that through strong mobilisation, we will defy the polls once more.”
politicians have pushed the message that a vote for the Greens will protect Europe not just from extreme weather, but also from the far right
But even if their optimism is misplaced, it does not automatically mean that fast climate action will be axed.
Since the last elections, “many other parties have incorporated much more ambitious climate and environmental targets in their platforms”, said Silvia Pianta from the European Institute on Economics and the Environment, pointing to the left party grouping as well as the centre-left Socialist and Democrats and the pro-European Renew. “This suggests that lower Green vote shares in the upcoming elections might not necessarily imply that the new parliament will be considerably less progressive on climate action.”
“We MUST respect this earth - it is all we have
Claudio Dametto - South Australia
“I will always Vote to Preserve Our World.
Liam McGregor - Western Australia
“A simple message that even a politician can understand
Felicity Crombach - Victoria
“Please show you care about our future generations!!
Phil Harmer - New South Wales
“Save our world , Life & health before profits.
Kerry Lillian - New South Wales
“Close down all coal mines and Do not mine gas . Make these Companies
Daniel Johnson - New South Wales
“We want carbon free energy!
Edan Clarke - New South Wales
“Feels good to be taking a voter action step
Beaver Hudson - New South Wales
“Great Initiative. Let’s Hold elected officials Accountable to their bosses, us!
John Paul Posada - New South Wales
“We need actions not words we need honest democratic govt We need a pm
Bob Pearce - South Australia
“Thank you for this great resource. I was feeling helpless. Even this small step
Silvia Anderson - Victoria
“If political parties continue receiving political donations, we will rarely have politicians working for
Dan Chicos - New South Wales
“I only vote for people who will take urgent action to restore a safe
Susie Burke - Victoria
“Current government is not representing the opinion of the majority of Australian to meet
Neil Price - Tasmania
“We are fighting to rescue our kids' future from those who seek to steal
Vanessa Norimi - Queensland
“No time to waste Now or Never My vote is for NOW
Rosalie White - Victoria
“I am only 9 but I already care
Ava Bell - New South Wales
“From New Lambton Uniting Church - Caring for our world is a moral imperative.
Niall McKay - New South Wales
“Our federal govt is an International climate Embarrassment - its about time they stepped
Oriana Tolo - Victoria
“Vote earth this time!
Sue Cooke - Queensland
“We are in one on the wealthiest countries in the world. we have the
rowan huxtable - New South Wales
“The climate Emergency is the public health opportunity and urgent priority of the 21st
Mike Forrester - Victoria
“If they want my vote they better act now
Barbara McNiff - New South Wales
“We need to act locally now for the earth. Our only home. Vote Earth
Anne Miller - New South Wales
“I often look at the places I've known all my life and see how
Jim Baird - New South Wales
“Strike one For people power!!! Democracy might prevail outside the current cronyism that faces
Lorraine Bridger - New South Wales
“Our federal politicians Are Afraid to make action on climate change a major election
Jennifer Martin - New South Wales
“climate election, let's go!
Fahimah Badrulhisham - New South Wales
“Great to see this website that is a focus on action for climate change
Lynette Sinclair - New South Wales
“Let’s show politicians and the Murdoch media that climate change is by far the
Jane Aitken - Australian Capital Territory
“If you want to stay in power You need to take action to stop
Jane Bulter - New South Wales
“We are all that stands between terminal climate change and the vulnerable. We are
Carol Khan - Queensland
“We need a Government that Believes this is real and not taking money from
Ken Gray - New South Wales
“I'm voting for my childrens future
Anneliese Alexander - New South Wales